Revised and accepted 04/2022 

Oregon Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group Bylaws


Article I


1.1 Oregon Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group (OPNPG) of the Oregon Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Oregon Academy) was officially recognized by the Oregon Academy (formerly known as the Oregon Dietetic Association) in 1995.

1.2 Official positions, publications and fundraising of the OPNPG must comply with both Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Oregon Academy bylaws and standing rules. The Practice Group (PG) will abide by the Oregon Academy bylaws.  Through the Oregon Academy’s insurance with the Academy, OPNPG has liability coverage.


Article II

Scope of Practice/Mission

2.1 The OPNPG includes practitioners in the field(s) of maternal and/or pediatric nutrition or those individuals with a special interest in these areas. 

2.2 The PG is the primary advocate for the nutritional health of the unborn, infant, child or adolescent. 

2.3 Topics for meetings or publications are selected on the basis of expertise of the membership on maternal and pediatric nutrition.

2.4 Members of the OPNPG will uphold the mission of the Oregon Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics which is:  Empower members to be leaders in food and nutrition.


Article III


3.1 Active membership is open to all Oregon Academy and/or Academy members. 

3.2 The PG membership roster, publications and sponsored events are benefits of membership.  The Executive Board will stipulate under which circumstances the membership roster will be disclosed.

3.3 The membership year will correspond to the Oregon Academy fiscal year: 

        June 1st-May 31st.

3.4 Each active member of the OPNPG is entitled to one (1) vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members, either by email, mail or voice vote at duly held meetings.

3.5 Active members shall have the right to vote either in person, by proxy or by email. Individuals holding a proxy for any member shall identify themselves to the secretary prior to roll call.

3.6“Friends of the OPNPG”. If an individual is interested in attending OPNPG meetings, but is not an Academy/Oregon Academy member, they may participate as a “Friend of the OPNPG”. Friends of the OPNPG will be asked to contribute annual dues as determined by the Executive Board. Friends of the OPNPG are not eligible to vote or hold an elected position within the OPNPG.


Article IV

Annual Meeting

4.1 There will be one (1) annual business meeting held each year before June 30 to conduct official business of the PG. Official business includes presenting a slate of officers and approving a plan of work and budget for the upcoming year.

4.2 A quorum of fifteen (15) percent of voting members will be required in order to transact business.

4.3 It is suggested, not mandated, that the PG meet quarterly.


Article V


5.1 Annual dues for active members will be a minimum of $10.00 and a maximum of $30.00, as determined by the Executive Board.

5.1a A student membership will be available for dietetic undergraduates, graduates and interns with dues of $5 per annum.

5.2 The Executive Board will solicit membership opinion, if and when, an increase in dues is anticipated.

5.3 Dues will be established and communicated to Oregon Academy Board prior to the Oregon Academy annual finance committee meeting. This meeting is currently held in conjunction with the Oregon Academy annual meeting in the spring.

5.4 Payment of dues will correspond to the Oregon Academy fiscal year, June 1st-May 31st.  Membership dues will begin to be accepted the first month of the fiscal year.  Dues will not be prorated for the year, with the exception of dues paid in the final quarter of the fiscal year or new membership dues paid in conjunction to an OPNPG sponsored conference.


Article VI

Executive Board

6.1 The executive board will include the following elected officers:  Chair, Chair- elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Nominating Committee Chair/Immediate Past Chair, and two Nominating Committee members.

6.2 The Executive Board officers must be paid members in good standing of the OPNPG and the Oregon Academy.

6.3 The Executive Board develops a plan of work based on the interests of PG members.

6.4 An Executive Board meeting may be held at any time during the year when the Chair and Chair-elect determine most board members likely to be in attendance Two-thirds (2/3) of the board will represent a quorum for the Executive Board.

6.5 An Executive Board member may be removed from office by the Board whenever, in their judgment, it is in the best interest of the PG.  The OPNPG Executive Board establishes the process for removal.  Board members will be given the option of voluntary resignation in place of Board removal.

6.6 The Executive Board will review job descriptions on an annual basis and update as necessary.

6.7 Members of the Executive Board are eligible for reimbursement of professional expenses.  The professional expenses include, but are not limited to, conferences, Academy dues, National PNPG dues, etc.  The Executive Board will determine the process for reimbursement.  Combined expenses per Board member are not to exceed $300.00 per year and are at the discretion of the Executive Board based on current financial status of OPNPG.


Article VII

Elected and Appointed Officers

7.1 Chair

7.1.1 The Chair will serve for one (3) year term with the first year as Chair Elect, second year as Chair, and third year as Immediate Past Chair/Nominating Chair.  The Chair will:

  • Be a paid member of the OPNPG and the Oregon Academy and in good standing.
  • Set the agenda and forward it to the Secretary for distribution to the membership.
  • Preside at all meetings of the members and the Executive Board.
  • Approve expense vouchers.
  • Coordinate national and state program planning.
  • Facilitate elections.
  • Facilitate membership input to develop projects and programs.
  • Serve as the liaison to the Oregon Academy, responsible for attending conference calls and meetings when possible.
  • Serve as liaison to other pertinent pediatric nutrition organizations, as determined by the Executive Board.
  • Prepare and present the plan of work at the Oregon Academy and the OPNPG annual meetings.
  • Communicate pertinent Oregon Academy business to the OPNPG members.
  • Provide practice group annual and interim reports to the Oregon Academy Board.
  • Be an alternate signature on the OPNPG bank account.
  • Forward the end of the year financial report from the Treasurer to the Oregon Academy Board.
  • Maintain a current copy of the Oregon Academy bylaws.

7.2 Chair-Elect

7.2.1 The Chair-Elect will serve for one (3) year term with the first year as Chair Elect, second year as Chair, and third year as Immediate Past Chair/Nominating Chair. If in the event of a vacancy of the Chair position, the Chair-Elect shall serve the remainder of that term plus the one for which he/she was originally elected.  The Chair-Elect will:

  • Be a paid member of the OPNPG and the Oregon Academy and in good standing.
  • Perform the functions of the office of the Chair in the absence or inability to act.
  • Review the OPNPG bylaws annually with input from the executive board before the end of their term and revise as needed.
  • Serve as the website liaison, posting meeting updates, new content, current membership roster and other changes as needed.
  • Work with Immediate Past Chair/Nominating Chair on social media presence.
  • Serve as the Planning Committee Chair if the OPNPG coordinates an annual conference as part of the annual Oregon Academy meeting and/or OPNPG sponsored event.
  • Prepare/provide annual survey to OPNPG members at the end of the year.

7.3 Immediate Past Chair/Nominating Committee Chair

7.3.1 The Nominating Committee Chair will serve for one (3) year term with the first year as Chair Elect, second year as Chair, and third year as Immediate Past Chair/Nominating Chair.  The Nominating Chair will:

  • Be a paid member of the OPNPG and the Oregon Academy and in good standing.
  • Chair the nominating committee.
  • Be responsible for submitting a slate of officers to the membership at the spring meeting.
  • Notify each candidate for office the results of the election prior to the June meeting.
  • Work with the chair elect on social media presence.
  • Provide the Secretary with the election results.
  • Assist the Chair to fill vacancies in any office.7.4 Secretary

7.4.1 The Secretary will serve for two (2) years, elected in the even year and will:

  • Be a paid member of the OPNPG and the Oregon Academy and in good standing.
  • Keep minutes for membership and Executive Board meetings.
  • Send minutes to the membership within 30 days following the meeting.
  • Be responsible for giving notice of forthcoming meetings with input from the Chair.
  • Email ballot and candidate information sheets (paper or electronic) to the membership for voting by May 31st.
  • Serve as teller for the election and report vote tally to Executive Board.

7.5 Treasurer

7.5.1The Treasurer will serve for two (2) years, elected in the odd year and will:

  • Be a paid member of the OPNPG and the Oregon Academy and in good standing.
  • Have custody of all funds for the OPNPG.
  • Keep full and accurate financial records for the OPNPG.
  • Report the financial status of the PG at membership meetings.
  • Distribute membership renewal forms at least 30 days prior to the new fiscal year.
  • Receive, process membership dues and send paid members a receipt (either written or by email).
  • Obtain approval from the chair for expense vouchers and issue checks in a timely fashion.
  • Maintain membership roster and provide updated contact information to members.
  • Prepare preliminary budget for the financial planning meeting and finalize budget.
  • Prepare financial reports and submit the report to the Chair and membership for presentation at the spring meeting of the current fiscal year.
  • Comply with all relevant financial policies.

7.6 Nominating Committee Members (2)

7.6.1 The nominating committee members will each serve one (1) year and will:

  • Be a paid member of the OPNPG and the Oregon Academy and in good standing.
  • Responsible for presenting a slate of candidates to the membership at the spring meeting.
  • Designate annually two (2) or more candidates for the office of Chair-elect, Secretary (elected in even year), Treasurer (elected in odd year) and at least two (2) candidates for nominating committee. May allow for write-in candidates if less than the prescribed number of candidates is found.
  • Starting at the first of the calendar year, solicit nominations.
  • Verify that all nominees are active OPNPG members and are in good standing with the Oregon Academy.
  • Submit a slate of officers to the membership at the April meeting.
  • Email ballots to the membership for voting by May 31st.
  • Install new officers at the June meeting.


Article VIII


8.1 Elections will be conducted yearly, with ballots sent by May 31st. A written and/or electronic ballot will be provided.

8.1 Method

8.1.1 The ballot and candidate information sheets will be prepared by the nominating chair and Secretary.

8.1.2 Notification will be sent to all OPNPG members regarding the election and balloting procedures by the Secretary.

8.1.3 Results will be reported to the Secretary for official recording.

8.2 Candidate Qualifications.

8.2.1 No person will hold more than one (1) elective office simultaneously

8.2.2 Only Active OPNPG and Oregon Academy-eligible members may hold elected office. Once elected, candidates will have 30 days to be active paid members of both OPNPG and the Oregon Academy.

8.3 Re-election.

8.3.1 The Chair, the Chair-elect, Secretary and Treasurer shall be ineligible to serve more than one (1) term in succession in the same office with the exception that the Chair may be nominated to serve a second term in the event of a vacancy in the office of the chair elect position.

8.3.2 Exceptions to the above rule can be overridden by 2/3 vote of board under extenuating circumstances (pandemic, natural disaster etc).

8.4 Vacancies; in the event an office becomes vacant, the unexpired term will be filled as follows:

8.4.1 Immediate past chair: the Chair, with approval of the Board, will appoint a qualified person to fill the unexpired term or the position may be left vacant.

8.4.2 Chair: the Chair-Elect will succeed to the office of Chair and will complete the unexpired term and then serve the elected term of Chair.

8.4.3 Chair-Elect: the Board may choose to hold a special election and/or appoint a qualified person to fill the unexpired term.

8.4.4 Secretary, Treasurer, Nominating Committee members: the Chair, with the approval of the Board will appoint qualified persons to fill the unexpired term.


Article IX

Amendments to Bylaws

9.1 These bylaws will be effective when approved by the Executive Board, the OPNPG membership and the Oregon Academy.

9.2 These bylaws may be amended by the majority vote of the Executive Board after they have been posted for member comment.


Article X


10.1 A minimum of ten (10) members is required to maintain the OPNPG.

10.2 Upon dissolution, all debts will be paid, and any remaining funds, all financial records and bylaws will be submitted to the Oregon Academy.